Buckeye Rug Hooking Guild
Patti Wagner
Patti was introduced to rug hooking in the summer of 1989. She and her mother attended a local festival in the Northern Michigan village where they lived and there happene to be a woman demonstrating hooking. The teacher was Carol Fisher. Carol was a certified McGown teacher who specialized in 3 cut scrolls and shading. Carol's classes at the local high school consisted of 6 classes for $20 and included a hoop, hook, practice pattern and wool. Patti and her mother were hooked! They took 2 classes and started collecting wool.
Patti met Shirley Peters when she moved to Zanesville and the rest is history! Patti says, "I have had so much support, tons of help and advice from so many who share in this love of rug hooking The creativity is astounding and I love each and every one of them."
